USS Midway Tour

During thier stay in San Diego many or our shipmate toured the USS Midway, which is now a museum ship. Here are photos taken during the tour.

New Kid on the block Photo of the Midway

New Kid on the block

Photo of the Midway

On board the USS MIDWAY  -  Left to Right, Irma McKenna, Ed Armstrong , and Gloria Breault.  The girls, sisters, were part of Ed's extended family almost 49 years ago Marty Komarek, Mike Shults and Tony Motsco aboard the Midway in the anchor room

On board the USS MIDWAY  -  Left to Right, Irma McKenna, Ed Armstrong , and Gloria Breault. The girls, sisters, were part of Ed's extended family almost 49 years ago

Marty Komarek, Mike Shults and Tony Motsco aboard the Midway in the anchor room

Marty Komarek in the captains chair aboard the Midway Aboard the Midway Ken Donithan in the engineroom aboard the Midway

Marty Komarek in the captains chair aboard the Midway

Aboard the Midway

Ken Donithan in the engineroom aboard the Midway

USS Midway logo

USS Midway logo

Heather Stream and Carl Dege Pat Dege & Heather Stream inside a plane aboard the Midway

Heather Stream and Carl Dege

Pat Dege & Heather Stream inside a plane aboard the Midway

The nagmaster taking a break at the entrance to the Midway, while waiting for the next bus to arrive 15 minutes later, and the nagmaster is still sitting down, enjoying his time in the shade

The nagmaster taking a break at the entrance to the Midway, while waiting for the next bus to arrive

15 minutes later, and the nagmaster is still sitting down, enjoying his time in the shade

Flight simulation video games that are abaord the Midway Kathy Davis sitting in the boss's chair, and Pat Dege in the Mini

Flight simulation video games that are abaord the Midway

Kathy Davis sitting in the boss's chair, and Pat Dege in the Mini

Heather Stream sitting in the Captain's chair Captain Cindy Sears CSSA Glenn Sears and his wife Cindy

Heather Stream sitting in the Captain's chair

Captain Cindy Sears

CSSA Glenn Sears and his wife Cindy

General view of the planes, sitting on the deck Flight Deck of USS Midway

General view of the planes, sitting on the deck

Flight Deck of USS Midway

Various aerial vehicles Various aerial vehicles Various aerial vehicles

Various aerial vehicles

Aboard the Midway

In front of the USS Midway, Sometimes you've just gotta take a break