
The Richard S. Edwards - DD950 2008 Reunion and these web pages were only made possible by a collaboration of many people. This page acknowledges the efforts of the many volunteers who made both the reunion, and these web pages, possible.

Bravo Zulu
In typical "Reddie Eddie" fashion, the planning and execution of the reunion's many events was a team effort. Just as typical, our shipmates did a great job of getting things done. Our local San Diego reunion committee worked very hard contacting several hotels and attractions, before making the final arrangements for the reunion. Of course, the association officers also dedicated much time and effort in supporting the committee. During the reunion they all continued to insure that all of the events followed the charted course.

Special Mention
Jack Turley, the Association Secretary, in his usual take-charge fashion provided his leadership skills during the reunion. Jack's wife, Pat, also pitched in and provided her service when needed at the reunion. Thank you both for your efforts.

Jack has also provided support and assistance in obtaining photos for these web pages, identifying individuals in the group photos and others and keeping the web masters on track.

While many of us were out having fun, Ed Hovatter was working hard making sure that the Ship's Store remained open.

There were other shipmates and family members who stepped up when they were needed, as well. You know who you are - Thank You!

San Diego Reunion Organizing Staff
Thanks to the following people for putting this event together:
HT3 Bill Marchant, 74-75, now a retired USN Captain chaired the committee
EM3 Napoleon (Nap) Ferraris, 74-76, now a retired USN Commander
RD1 John Fasce, 65-70, a retired OSC

LTJG Bob Griffin, 68-69 made the arrangements for Captain Mike Elliott, our guest speaker, the six member color guard from the USS Kidd, the five member Marine Corp Band and the visit to Camp Pendleton and the LCAC demonstration and MC Museum visit. Four of our members rode the LCAC during the landing demonstration.

A Special Thanks To...
Our guest speaker, Capt. Mike Elliot, for his entertaining and inspirational words. Everyone who attended will always remember the phrase, "Family-Team-Warship!"

Photo Contributions The below named people provided photos for use on the 2008 reunion website:
  • Edwin Armstrong
  • Walter Byron
  • Rob Dege
  • Ken Donithan
  • Barry Emerson
  • Russ Graff
  • Rex Knodle
  • James Kress
  • Clay Laubach
  • Jack Pickerd
  • Jim Pitton
  • Mike Shults
  • Don Stine
  • Jack Turley
  • Dave Wells
  • John Fasce
  • Don Hudson
  • Todd Fowler
The Official Group Photo as well as other photos were provided by professional photographer FERNANDO GUINGAB