San Diego, California

Group Photo

The 2008 Reunion is over. This time, our destination was San Diego, California, home port for the U.S.S. Richard S. Edwards, until 1970. For many of us, it was where we attended boot camp and/or service school.

The Reunion was held at the Handlery Hotel in Hotel Circle, a very good choice indeed, as the staff and accommodations there were excellent.


Thursday, June 26th
  • Camp Pendelton tour of the Navy's Landing Craft, Air Cushioned (LCAC)
  • Registration
  • Cocktails
  • Group Photo
Friday, June 27th
  • Hospitality Suite open for Shipmate Gatherings
  • Grand Tour
Saturday, June 28th
  • Hospitality Suite open for Shipmate Gatherings
  • Tour of USS Midway
  • Cocktails
  • Parade the Colors - National Anthem
  • Invocation and Memorial Service
  • Dinner
  • Guest Speaker - COMNAVSURFOR Operations Officer, Capt Mike Elliott, USNR
  • RSE Association Business Meeting
Sunday, June 28th
  • Breakfast and Farewell to departing shipmates

Three optional tours were offered during the reunion:
  • A tour of the Navy's Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC) Maintenance & Repair Facility at Camp Pendleton. The tour included a Barbecue at the LCAC patio and a visit of the Marine Corp Museum.
  • The Grand Tour, which included visiting the popular sights of San Diego, a one hour cruise along the harbor and a visit to Tijuana for sight-seeing & shopping.
  • A tour aboard the aircraft carrier, USS Midway.
In addition to the these tours, there was, of course, a whole lot of tourism and sight-seeing going on, as well as the San Diego night life.

Send Pictures & Share Memories:
Although the 2008 reunion is history, don't think you can slack off! We still want your reunion photos. If you attended the reunion and snapped pictures - we want them. Whether they're photos of the reunion itself, or the sights around San Diego - we want them. Your photos might have captured moments that others missed. See how to share your photos at this page.