Well, we're headed home. There have been times, however, when it was doubtful we would make it. All in all everyone accomplished his job. For instance, not once in seven months has Gross tried to tell the OOD that the ship was in the Atlantic Ocean. Occasioinally Fleming has found an Island that had moved. And Fletcher has yet to miss sunset by more that 5 minutes on a clear day. As for the "Sigs" they did an outstanding job keeping Reynolds supplied with "Short" messages and Brown with liberty and aspirin. Radio Central bears an "Exclusive Area" sign on its door. This is so the world will never know it's an insane asylum. Goins has been heard to call "Come in World" on the wrong frequency. The Yeoman, bless their guitar caloused fingers, are furiously typing our leave chits. They've kept in practice typing out letters home. Last but not least we find Humphrey locked in the Post Office. He's thinking of security ---HIS. The mail calls have been few and far between. He claims people just aren't writing as often as they used to.
How the hell do you use this thing?
A "short" message
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