Commander John D. OWENS was born in Danville, Virginia, on 26 October 1922. Upon graduation from George Washington High School in Danville, he attended Virginia Polytechnic Institute. He later entered New York State Maritime Academy New York City and graduated in January 1946. Following this, he made one voyage to the Far East as Fourth officer of the SS JOSEPH LYKES.
After being ordered to active duty in July 1946, Commander OWENS served in various sea billets as indicated: USS HOBSON (DMS-26); Executive Officer, USS PCS 1378; Gunnery Officer and Navigator, USS BELLATRIX (AKA-3); Commander Mine Division 41; Executive Officer, USS TAUSSIG (DD-746); Commanding Officer, USS EVANS (DE-1023); and Commanding Officer, USS PARSONS (DD-949). Other assignments have included: student at General Line School in 1951; Officer-In-Charge, Anti-Submarine Warfare School, Fleet Training Center, Charleston, South Carolina; Officer Examination Writer, Naval Examining Center, Great Lakes, Illinois; Staff ASW Officer, COMCRUDESLANT; and service with the Special Operations Group, Joint Staff, Military Assistance Command, Viet Nam.

Lieutenant Commander Campbell was born in Appleton, Wisconsin on 6 April 1930, one of two sons born to Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Campbell. Upon graduation from Appleton High School, he attended Lawrence University for one year. He then entered the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis from which he graduated in 1953.
After graduation. LCDR CAMPBELL was ordered to flight training at Pensacola, Florida. He completed flight training in September of 1954 and was designated a Naval Aviator and also a Qualified Helicopter Pilot. LCDR CAMPBELL was then ordered to Fighter Squadron 114 and served with this squadron aboard USS ESSEX (CVA-9). Thereafter, LC DR CAMPBELL served in various sea billets as indicated: Operations Officer, USS ALBERT T. HARRIS (DE-447); Operations and Gunnery Officer, USS BASILONE (DD-S24 ; and Executive Officer, USS COOK (APD-130). Other assignments have included: Student at CIC School, Glenview, Illinois; a student at Marine Corps Amphibious Warfare Staff School; student at Defense Intelligence School; and Assistant U.S. Naval Attache and Attache for Air, Helsinki, Finland.

FRONT ROW: Left-To-Right, Ens. H. C. Schiejeher, Electronics Material Officer; Ens. C. G. Pfeifer, Lt.L. J. Kearney, Operations Officer; Ltjg L. G. Flesher, Cormmunications Officer; Ens. L. S. T. Baly, Fox Division Officer; Ens. A. W. McKechnie, Jr., R Division Officer; BACK ROW: Ltjg N.E. Parkhurst, Engineer Officer; Ltjg J. H. N. Hudnall, Jr., First Lieutenant; Lt H. A. Manning, Supply Officer; Commander J. D. Owens, Commanding officer; LCDR W. N. Campbell, Executive Officer; Ens J. W. Tully, Disbursing Officer; Ltjg B. J. Parker,Repair Officer; Ltjg D. C. Atwater, Main Propulsion As-sistant; Lt. A. N. Davidson, Weapons Officer. Not Shown: Ens. G. A. Malinasky, G Division Officer; Lt. J. L. Jensen, Former Weapons Officer; Lt. W. H. Levings III, Former Engineer Officer; Ltjg T. R. Hamilton, Former Communications Officer; LtjgG. E. Maclaren, Navigator; Ltjg K. J. Phaler, CIC Officer; and Ens. J. C. Thomson, Former OT Division Officer. |