Louis Peter Garcia
10 July 1947 -26 May 1966
Life and death are an integral part of the existence of all men. We must all be born and we must all die, but in both, we partake of the blessings and gifts of God.
Death, or the prospect of death, is an integral part of the existence of all fighting men too. Some die in war and others in peace; each death carries its own sense of loss or a vacancy in the hearts and minds of those who must live on and remember.
We must all face and accept the fate decreed for us with an abiding faith in justice, mercy, and power of the Almighty. It is with this thought in mind that we, the officers and men of the USS Richard S. Edwards (DD-950), dedicate this cruise book to our departed shipmate, Seaman Louis P. Garcia, U.S. Navy, whose untimely death in May of 1966 was felt by all of us.
He was a good shipmate and a good sailor. We wish him God-speed on his voyage through Eternity.
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This page last updated on: July 27, 2002 |