1966 Page 4 of 4 |
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James F Matthews climbing the mast to repair the ECM antenna. The photos on this page were sent to us by James F. Matthews. Do you have any to share? |
James F Matthews Climing the mast to repair the ECM antenna. | |
ETR Jackson in Hong Kong during the 1966 WestPac Cruise. | |
James F Matthew in 1966. | |
Senior high school students touring the DD-950 during open house in Nagasaki Japan - 1966. | |
Statue at "Ground Zero" in Nakasi Japan. | |
Storm damage. | |
More storm damage. | |
Hong Kong in 1966. | |
Hong Kong in 1966. | |
Hong Kong in 1966. | |
ET Gang in Hong Kong - 1966. | |
ET Gang in Hong Kong - 1966 (Enlarged). | |
Nagasaki -1966. |
Please send in a copy of your photos!
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